Naresh Rao July 5, 2021 Dr. Rao in Medical Economics Naresh Rao July 5, 2021 Medical World News: After HoursTeam USA Physician
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Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Quoted on the role of ice vs heat Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Should You Use Heat Or Ice? This quick guide explains when to ice, when to heat, when not to and why.
Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Quoted by Spartan Race Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Top 5 Hydration Packs for Your Next Spartan Race
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Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Dr. Rao Featured in Forbes Magazine Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Dr. Naresh Rao: How A World-Class Sports Medicine Doctor Makes It To The Olympics
Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 October 2019: Quoted on running in the cold Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Why Do I Get a Sore Throat When I Run in Cold Air?
Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 July 2019: Quoted on muscle twitches Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 If Your Muscle Twitches After Working Out, You Need to Read This ASAP
Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 January 2019: Quoted on upper body machines for women Naresh Rao January 5, 2020 Useful Upper Body Gym Machines for Women